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Question about rodents and rabbits

22 11:05:45

I saw in one of your other posts where you asked someone if there were rodents in their house.  Their rabbit had some type of neurological symptoms.  I am curious about this.  I do have 3 house rabbits but I live in the country and in the winter time have a severe mouse problem.  We don't use poison to kill the mice but do set up snap traps in very hidden places the rabbits cant get to.  We have also had a mice problem since we built our house brand new 3 years ago.  My rabbits have never been sick but I am just curious why you asked that.  If a mouse got in the rooms where I keep my rabbits could it harm them?

Thank you

I ask because a parasitic species called E. cunniculi can be transmitted in the feces of various animals, including rodents. This protazoan species can cause severe neurological problems including paralysis of the hind legs, a titled head, and even death if it progresses into the brain. Many domestic rabbits actually do have small populations of E. cunniculi, which does not harm them. It is when the populations get out of control or migrate to the nervous system that it causes problems. Some are infested (or have an increased infestation) by coming into contact with feces from other infested rabbits (including their mother) while others are infested by coming into contact with the feces of rodents.

For most rabbits, it never causes a problem. However, some rabbits are more succeptable to it. Older rabbits are generally most succeptable to problems from E. cunniculi. Just keep a close eye for any signs of a bad infestation. If you see his head tilt abnormally at all, loss of balance, or if he loses any use his hind legs, he will need to see a vet right away. The sooner the problem is caught, the more likely the rabbit is to make a full recovery.