Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit health: eye lesion

rabbit health: eye lesion

22 9:48:16

I noticed today that there was a white spot in my rabbit's right eye, it was also discharging milky substance, I thought at first the spot was a part of the discharge and tried to wipe it with a piece of cotton but it couldn't be removed, I have applied a vacoconstrictor and anti-histaminic eye drops, also his eye is a little bit cloudy or may be bluish, I can't be sure. He is less than one year old. Any oponions would be appreciated

Dear Marina,

From your description, this could be a corneal ulcer.  These can result from trauma, but if your bunny has glaucoma, it also could happen if he is unable to fully close his eye, causing a small portion of the cornea to dry out and become ulcerated.

I would recommend a trip to a rabbit-savvy vet, if you can find one.  Or, if possible, a veterinary ophthalmologist.  (A mammalian eye is a mammalian eye.)  You can read more about common eye disorders in rabbits here:

so you will be better equipped to ask the vet questions to help your bunny.

I hope this helps.
