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Pee backside

22 9:48:31

My rabbit lives on my floor and recently i've moved the litter box around a few times and he has peed on the floor i think as a result either because he forgot and got confused or is telling me he is a little upset with the current arrangement's the problem is since its my floor the urine is there to get  on him and i guess he steps in it before i clean it up or whatever before i clean it up and it can get on the bottom of his backside and the bottom of his feet so then it's time to do something i don't jump to do but have to is give him a bath i give him a bath with puppy shampoo in a plastic container filled with water and some shampoo best place to do this is the shower i use the shower and container filled with some water to help with the cleaning off part to make sure i get rid of all the shampoo
Now the problem i have is that it doesn't get rid of the yellow stained color which tells me its not all gone and it still has a weird smell is it good to leave the urine stained color fur there or shave it down somewhat? or do something else?

Hi Marc

I think he may have a urinary tract infection. Rabbits who do have UTI's will commonly go somewhere other than where their litter box is because they will associate the pain with the box and try to avoid it.
Also, him being always wet indicates that he might either have a partial blockage in his urethra that is from swelling or possibly a stone. This is more common if he's an older rabbit.
The stained fur is another indication as well as the smell. Normal rabbit pee has some gravel in it, but when there's a UTI or stone, he'll eventually get gritty brown urine which is bladder sludge. Also, the urine will be dripping down him constantly rather then being released as normal, so he will eventually get really sore and the urine will scald the skin where it touches. This just adds to the problem. If you get him seen right away and get this checked out then hopefully you can catch it before it becomes this bad.
If the hair is starting to get a crusty build-up then shave the genital region.The urine sticks to the hair and stays on it, without the hair then the urine dries faster. Do not though shave the underside of his feet. Doing so will lead to sore hocks because of the reduced padding on his feet. Also, the hair will start to thin and fall out wherever the urine has been touching, including along his legs. Frequent small puddles, or straining when urinating are also telltale signs.

Hope this helps,
