Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Found Wild Baby Bunny

Found Wild Baby Bunny

22 10:19:09

I have found what i presume to be a baby rabbit, However i don't know how to tell how old it is. I don't know whether i can keep it or whether i should let it go if it needs to nurse... how do i tell if it should be with its mother or not? if its old enough for me to take care of or not?

Dear Patrick,

Please read this immediately:

In short, if you found the baby in the grass, then he should be returned to his nest, where mama will come to feed him.  Mother rabbits feed only twice a day, then stay away from the nest to avoid attracting predtors.

It is *very* difficult to successfully raise a baby cottontail, and the vast majority will die if a human attempts this.  If you absolutely cannot return him to a nest, then get him to a wildlife rehabilitator ASAP:

I hope he will be fine.  Thank you for your concern about the baby.

Take care,