Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > free fluid around my rabbits heart

free fluid around my rabbits heart

22 11:12:32

Yesterday my rabbit ( 9 months old, checkered giant) stopped eating and moving as usual, she was also leaning to one side. We went to doctor immediatelly. She had her heart and lungs x-rayed and she was diagnosed to have fluid around her heart. Echocardiogram was done too and everything is normal except of the fluid around the heart. She was prescribed Sul-triolin or Borgal for 2 weeks but the doctor says it's a difficult case and he doesn't really know what is going on and if she's going to live. Now my rabbit hardly eats if nothing at all and she's very weak but she doesn't move to one side any more. Is there anything more I can do? Is she going to live?

Dear Joanna,

I cannot say whether your bunny will live, since I'm not there to see her, but this doesn't sound very good.  

Please check this list:

to find an experienced rabbit vet for a second opinion.  It's possible the fluid on her heart could be drained, though this would be a major and dangerous procedure.  A very experienced rabbit vet might have some ideas about how to deal with this problem.  I hope so!  I am sending healing thoughts.
