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Ongoing eye problems following sedation

22 9:59:01

Hi Really need a bit of advice as not sure where to go next with this.  My rabbit had a bad leg around xmas.  she had an xray and came out with an eye infection. They told me her eye probably dried out too much during sedation.  they treated it ith fucithalmic (not sure if thats right as no longer have tube).  they infection turned into ulcers.  These eventually healed but the watering eye did not. in fact it started in both eyes.  I opted to have them flushed and then continued treatment with no improvement.  I decided to go and see an eye specialist who said she had a very low grade infection and that the continueing treatment was doing more harm than good due to all the extras in the creams used i.e additives.  He said that as they did not seem to bother her then let nature take its course. AFter about 5 weeks her eyes seemed a bit sore so we had a swab done and the results came back that she should be treated with the antibiotic Tiacil.  THis did not work so I then tried chloramphenicol.  This did not work either. THe vet has suggested xray to check roots  but really relucant as she was ill after last sedation for five days and is getting old now. Not sure if it is the best next step as this all occured as a result of the original sedation and has not come on out of the blue during everyday life.  She also said that if it was the roots then I would have to take her to a specialist and she would have to have a GA, with her history and the surgery involved this would not be an option really. Do you have any thoughts on any of this as i am at a loss on what to do. Her eyes are ok most of the time just watery (cloudy water) but sometimes they must irritate her as she rubs them sore. Her companion does not help groom her as he is very lazy.  

MAny thanks

Dear Jenny,

I would take bunny to a veterinary ophthalmologist who can confirm that the corneal ulcers have fully healed, as even small ones can cause constant pain and tears.  If the corneas are fine, then the runny eyes could be due to blocked tear ducts (which you tried to treat with a flush, but this doesn't always produce lasting effects).  Please see:

A head radiograph might reveal problems with molar roots that could be the cause of the runny eyes, but surgery really is no guarantee of relief, unless the problem is due to molar spurs needing to be filed.  Please also see:

If you're not sure your current vet is rabbit-savvy enough to deal with this appropriately, you might seek another opinion from one of the rabbit-savvy vets in your area listed in the linked referral site here:

I hope this helps.
