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End of life

22 9:39:08

My lion head is 8, since December he has been on and off prepulsid and zantac, his droppings are small he's not eating as much, I need to syringe feed him critical care with olive oil and pinapple juice in case of blockage.he loves a cuddle and is still cleaning himself. I have moved him and his friend into the house so I can feed him at night sometimes but also make sure they are not cold.
When do I decide to take him to be put to sleep, or can he pass peaceably at home. He has lost about 1/4 kilo and just under the 2 now

Hi Sharon,

This is a decision only you can make.  My opinion is really just an opinion.  If a bunny is not eating on his own and is being kept alive by critical care then I don't think this is a very good quality of life.  However on another note if he is still grooming then he hasn't given up.

I really wish I could answer this for you but it is really something you have to decide for yourself.  I would talk with your vet about their opinion.  

Good luck and thank you for giving your bunny such a loving home.
