Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Thumper


22 10:06:44

I have a bunny, Thumper, who is almost 11 years old.  He's a house rabbit, he's never in his cage, he is so smart and house trained since a wee baby.

He has a cataract on one eye and I can see now that the other is getting the same way.  I can begin to tell also that he needs to get his teeth cut back; I know the signs all too well.  But I'm scared now because I don't know if he would last another operation like that.

I don't know what to do.  I adore him, he's been my buddie for over a decade but I so don't want for him to suffer.


At 11 years old, using anesthesia can be risky.
Ask your vet if you should take that risk. Then you must make that decision yourself.
Also, ask your vet if there is anything else that could help him besides surgery.

Good luck.
