Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bump on rabbits ear

bump on rabbits ear

22 10:40:40

my rabbit has a lump on his ear i looked at the messages people and you sound really good i need a proper expert to tell me what is wrong with my bunny, the lump is pink and a bit soft but not rock hard please tell me what is wrong   with my bunny :(
thank you matt

Dear Matthew,

Without seeing the lesion, I can't know for sure what it is.  If it moves freely with the skin, that's good.  If it is slightly yellowish in color, it could be an abscess that needs treatment.

If it's a very small bump that's hard and pink, it could be no more than a little fibroma that is benign and not needing treatment.  It also could be a papilloma (wart) caused by a virus, but that is pretty harmless, as well.

You don't say how big the lump is, which would help.  And if you can send a picture to I would be better able to help you figure out what it is.

But the best option is to find a good rabbit vet:

to have a look in person and tell you whether this is something that needs treatment, or is just a little bump that's part of your bunny.  :)

I hope that helps get you started.
