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Cage Requirments and average lifespans

22 10:59:24

Hello there! My question is in regards to the specific cage size requirements and average lifespans for the following breeds:
- Lionhead,
- Mini Lop,
- French Lop, and
- Dwarf Hotot
I work at a pet store and am making a chart for the others that work in the small animal deptarments. I only have dutch at home and so I dont know the specifics for the other breeds. Your help would be much appreciated.

Hi Alycia,
-lion head....average 8 years life span    and size of cage would be at least 3 feet by 4 feet and 3 feet high.

mini lop- lfe span is 7-8 years...large cage as least 5feet by 4 feet

french lop- 7-10 years life span...and a large as possible cage...these are big rabbits.

dwarf - 5-8years life...same cage size as first..
 all breeds can have different lifespans,it always depends on the care and attention they've had throughout their lives. All these I've given you are an estimate.
 I also prefer to keep rabbits in large outdoor hutches as big as possible, but if this cannot be done for some people,then the largest cage they can afford is always recomended.
All the best,Elizabeth