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eye irriation?

22 11:33:27

My dwarf bunny is 3 years old and lives inside. He has been eating fine and still has energy, but he has been sneezing (I think sounds like he is clearing out his nose but not really sneezing) and I was looking at his eye it is very slightly pinkin the corner more so then in the other eye. I could be over analyizing his condition but he does not have runny eyes or nose it could just be some type of small irritation I'm going to keep my eye on him Let me know what you think it is and what signs I should look for thanks!!

Jolena, Your bunny is living outside and this can bring with it some extra issues that you may not be aware of. The 'slightly pink in the corner of the eye is probably a slight inflammation of his nicitating membrane, as sort of 'third eyelid' that all rabbits have. It is intended to assist in protecting his eyes in windy weather, and in the spring and fall, the environment causes them to swell. I think that is also what is going on with the irritation in the nose. If it were runny or with mucus dischargfe, I'd say differently, but from what you mention, it seems like a fall allergy..and yes, they do get them, just like people, and they tend to be more susceptible to allergies as they get older, again, just like people. If you want to affect the swelling in the eye, a little Visine like you use will shrink it. However, since it is Mother Nature's way of helping the rabbit, perhaps you'd want to wait and see if it gets worse. These 'third eyelids' do occasionally get infected, but I think your bunny is just going through some physiological reactions to normal fall weather changes.  Hope this puts your mind at ease. I have 64 rabbit cages in an open air barn in North Georgia and see these things often. They usually go away as the weather gets colder and the leaves have all dropped.
Regards, Steve