Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit eyelids

rabbit eyelids

22 10:28:14

QUESTION: hello. I would just like to ask about a wound in my rabbit's upper eyelid, it was bitten by one of my rabbit some six months ago and the eyelids doesn't seem to be healing, the eyes are ok but I'm slightly worried about the eyelids because of its inability to form a skin layer. I've used Ilium before for the eye. A vet assistant also recommended that I use Terramycin or iodine for the cause might be fungal.
Also, how many months should a baby rabbit be separated from its mother? If its separated too early what would happen? thank you very much

ANSWER: hello kristina

A litter of babies can stay with their mother forever if they are girls,boys will have to be neautered to avoid pregnancies. The best age for the baby rabbits to leave their mum is about 8 weeks of age. This is when they are properly developed and weaned. Any sooner can be life fretining as the babies will not yet be fully developed. this can lead to many difficulties.

i dont understand the first part of the question and what you are asking me?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for your reply. About my other rabbit I would just like to know what I can do about the wound on his eyelid, how the skin could heal up. It's been almost a year and the skin doesn't seem to heal. The eye is ok but I'm worried that the skin might get infected and spread to the eye. All that I have applied before was Ilium for the eye, and lately, Terramycin on the open wound. Thank you very much.


hello tina

thanks for getting back to me. Im sorry but i dont know what to suggest as im not a vet and am not sure what any of these liquids are. as long as you keep it clean then im sure he will be ok, make sure the cage is always very clean so no mud/dirt can get into it.

if you are still very worried take him to the vet as he may need stitches.

good luck
