Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My little doe is starving herself.

My little doe is starving herself.

22 9:39:38

She's about one.  She'll only eat a little bit of pellets and nothing else.  Her poop is small and dry.  She's skin and bones and not active.  She seems to like grape juice but I'm afraid to give her too much.  I gave her some crushed pellets mixed with grape juice but she only ate a small amount.  What can I feed her to put some meat on her bones?


Alfalfa hay will give her some additional fat content and it's usually a favorite for any bun, so in theory she should gobble it up. Also, you can get some critical care (available at most pet stores) and prepare as directed. For some additional nutrition and perhaps a piqued interest level, you can also mix it with some baby food.

In the mean time, I'd ask why she's not eating. Her poops are not normal and neither are her eating habits. I'd recommend taking her to a vet as soon as possible - one that might have the ability to do scans/xrays as well, since they may want to see if she has some sort of blockage.

Best of luck!