Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I dont know my rabbit breed :(

I dont know my rabbit breed :(

22 11:38:11

Hello I was just given a BEAUTIFUL black rabbit about 3 days ago as a gift. I had been thinking of adoption for about 3 years and a close friend bought me one! I have been playing with him non-stop. My only problem is that I am not sure of its breed. It has long ears like a lop rabbit (not as long as the english lop), and is pretty long in body size. He has a boxy shape and a pretty large/square head, but I am not sure what breed it is. Can you please help me?

    Saran you rabbit sounds a normal Lop Eared of my rabbits sounds the very same as yours but mine is brown...

it is good to see that u are keeping your rabbit in good condition...keep the work up with playing with him non stop and u will soon become best friends just like me and my rabbits.

I hope i have helped. Let me no if u need any help with anything else. i woul be glad to help

                   from amie