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Bunny sludge

22 11:38:10

Thank you for taking questions.  You helped me with information on another beloved rabbit who has now passed on.  I went to the site but am looking for more info or more up to date info.  My rescue rabbit has developed bunny sludge and we are doing the subcutaneous shots. Is there anything else to do to try and CURE it?  Vitamins?  At present, I understand this will be ongoing until my Cappie passes on.  Thank you again for your time.

Dear Toni,

Because this is an endocrine problem, and not a dietary one, it cannot be cured with the techniques we now have.  SubQ fluid therapy and drugs to help relax the bladder sphincter (e.g., Valium) help a LOT, though.  My vet likes a combination of Dibenzylene and Bethanichol to strengthen the bladder muscles and help relax spasms of the sphincter and urethra.

Reducing dietary calcium intake might NOT be a good idea, though some vets recommend it.  High calcium diet might not be good, but cutting back too far can cause a bunny with an already compromised ability to metabolize calcium properly to suffer even more loss.

You might want to ask your vet to consult with Dr. Susan Kelleher at 954- 968-7171.  She has a LOT of experience with this problem, and might be able to offer some suggestions.
