Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > when to feed what?

when to feed what?

22 10:59:27

QUESTION: i just got a baby bunny who is 2 months old. i'm not sure what can i feed him. i feed him templeton pellets. can i give him fruits or veggies yet? when is the right time to mix in the "adult" food and what is the "adult" food? when can i give him grass or hay?   -THANKS!
ANSWER: Pellets are "adult" food. Hay should be given now. As soon as rabbits are old enough to eat solid foods, they should have access to hay.

Wait until about 3 months to start slowly introducing in fresh foods like fruits and veggies. Keep fruits limited as they contain sugar, which is fattening. A small piece a day is plenty. Fresh veggies can make up a good portion of the diet for most rabbits. Some rabbits react poorly to fresh foods, though, so be alert for any abnormal changes in your rabbit's behaviour, feces, etc. when you start introducing fresh foods.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what kind of hay? because there are alot of different kind out there...

Timothy hay, grass hay, and/or oat hay are the best for rabbits. Many people give all three. Alfalfa hay should be avoided unless you are feeding a timothy-based pellet rather than an alfafa-based pellet. If this is the case, a small amount of alfalfa hay is fine. You just do not want to overdo the alfalfa. It is more fattening, and it has a lot of calcium (too much calcium is bad).