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Wound Question

22 11:24:56

Hello Dave and thank you for being available for new rabbit owners such as myself.
I have two rabbits. One I've had for a year now and the other I just got from the OSPCA. The new guy, one year old Kahlua, looks like a mini Rex, chocolate in colour and weighs perhaps 4 pounds. He is still getting used to us and because of this I haven't been doing much to him. I was able to finally trim his front nails last night and this morning I flipped him to check his neutering which was done almost two weeks ago now. What I found when I flipped him is a hock with a small wound on it. I don't know how he was housed prior to me. What worries me more is how is anal area looked. The area was very obvious through the fur and looked swollen/inflamed. It was very bright red/pink. On inspection in his cage his pellets seem fine and he hasn't had any bouts of soft stool at all. He's happily jumping around and eating well. I have been introducing fresh vegs. (Romaine and carrots) to his hays and fat reduced pellets gradually. I do know that his previous owner was slightly affected by a mental challenge and financial issues but was knowledgable enough to surrender the rabbit knowing that she couldn't give him what he should have. He is in a smaller cage at the moment and the bottom of his cage is Yesterday's News as I am waiting for him to get rid of his hormones so that I can push a bonding between him and my original baby (7 pound Tort Rex) In the future he will be in a large cage where the yesterday's news is only in a pan in one side of the cage. The cage has a plastic bottom and I keep it very clean.
Hopefully this is enough information to work with.
Happy Holidays also!

hi cathy rex need a soft under cover such as sawdust or hay
anything hard willmake there hocks sore.dont feed a rabbit greens he only needs pellets and water greens are probably the cause of his inflamed anal.
lastly if you introduce him to your other rabbit they willfight especially if they are both males, they need to be kept seperate.