Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > underground nest caved in w/ babies in it

underground nest caved in w/ babies in it

22 11:19:39

We just noticed a little bunny today in our rabbits outdoor cage. We went in and noticed two more. They proceeded into a hole underground and it caved in. They were trapped, so we dug them out. There is eight. What do we do now? We do not know who is the female? Or how old they are? Three have there eyes open that we can see and they are moving. They also have fur. Any help would be appreciated.

I am assuming they are wild rabbits?  If so, the information at will help you.  If they have their eyes open, they are at least 10 days old.  You could try building a new nest right next to the old one that caved in and see if the mother comes back.

If these are domestic bunnies (white, black, red), then read the domestic rabbit information at the same link.
