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Bald spot on 1 1/2 yr old lop

22 10:09:26

My 1 year old lop, Benny, has delevoped a small bald spot behind his right ear, i noticed it yesterday and i've just noticed that it is getting bigger. I havent noticed him excessively scrathing the area but im concerned about it as there are two little marks in the bald area that look almost black. any ideas whats causing it?


personally, I'd take him in to a vet as soon as possible.  It could be some kind of bite by a spider or centipede/millipede - something that has venom and the black may be some tissue death.  This could easily occur since lops have ears that are much closer to the ground normally.  The area may be infected and starting to show irritation and inflammation

Whatever it is, it is not normal and ears are very important for rabbits - they help regulate body temperature and get rid of excess heat.  You don't want anything going wrong with them.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

Please don't wait, sometimes something that looks insignificant is very serious.  With rabbits it often is the case.
