Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > CamphoPhenique drops

CamphoPhenique drops

22 11:32:57

You said that these could be used in answering an earlier question.  I would like to know more about this and what it does for the rabbit.
Thank You

Rachel, you'll need to refresh me on the context. I do not have access to all the items I answer on ALLEXPERTS, and I vaguely recall the Q&A.  I get many questions a week.  Just refresh my memory and I'll get right back to you. In case that it has to do with ear mites, Campho phenique is most often used to cure ear mites and it is placed in the rabbit's ears. The oil base softens the crusty material, while the camphor soothes the nerves and the phenol kills the microscopic mites. Thus, within a few days, the ear is clean and the healing process begins. That treatment must ne repeated about every two weeks for three times, and that should catch all residual mites that hatch from the leftover eggs. Does this sound about to the topic?