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still born or alive?

22 11:11:10

im 13 and one of my rabbits is pregnant.... how can i tell which of her kits are alive and which are still born and which may be "peanuts" and what do i do with the dead kits?

Still born kits will not move at all as they will be dead. Brand newborn live kits might be a bit slow to move, but they will move and they will be breathing. Peanuts usually only happen in dwarf breeds (mini rex, netherland dwarf, fuzzy lop, holland lop, dwarf hotot, and jersey wooly), but they can also occur in polish, dutch, lionheads, mini lops, and rarely in other breeds.

The easiest way to tell a runt apart from a peanut is to look at the head and ears. The ears will be extra small and triangular in shape. The head will look too big for the body, and the eyes will often be bluging. In addition, the hindquarters will usually look shrivelled up.

I always have just buried dead kits. They decompose quickly as they are so small, so it doesn't really cause a health issue. Don't leave them in the box, though, as they can rot and infect the healthy kits.