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Could my rabbit be sick?

22 9:51:38

Hello there,
I wanted to seek your advise because I am beginning to worry about my pet rabbit. I have a cute dwarf rabbit, his name is Star. You see when I am home, I typically let him out and he hops around the house. So he gets a lot of exercise or at least he used to. He used to be very active, now for the past two weeks or so he hardly ever leaves his cage. He still grooms himself, drinks water and he eats as well(although perhaps he eats less than before). I try putting him in my lap but he just hops back into his cage and sits there. Could he be sick? I think I will take him to the vet pretty soon because I don't want to lose my baby.

-Oh and perhaps I should also add that his eyes look more watery than usual but it could just be me.

Thanks for any help and advise!


changes in normal behaviors are generally an indicator something could be wrong.  Changes in eating almost always indicate a problem of some kind.  Given what you say about his eyes he could have allergies or an infection of some kind bothering him.

Anytime you suspect a medical problem, with a rabbit especially, because as prey animals they mask weakness until they can't anymore, so by the time you really notice a problem it's generally worse, get to a good rabbit vet right away.  In the long run it will save you money and get your rabbit healthy, faster, than waiting.  Health problems just do not 'go away' with rabbits.  They get worse.  And they are small animals, they do not have a lot of bodily fluids or weight to sustain them very long when sick.

So yes, get to a good rabbit vet right away.  If you need to find one go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.