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My rabbit isnt himself

22 10:25:25

I took my rabbit opal to the vets today for his vhd vaccination, he is 15 weeks old and has suffered no illnesses before now. Its been 8 hours since the vaccination and he is acting strangely, he is hesitant about putting weight on his front paw and when he walks he sort of leans that way, he is eating and drinking as normal, i know this is probably a question asked all the time but he is my first rabbit and i want to be sure.

Hi Hanna,

I don't know where you live but where I am we don't normally vaccinate our bunny's. I don't know where the shot was administered but if it was anywhere near that leg / shoulder that probably the problem wich would be swelling from the injection site I would just keep a eye on it and if it doesnt improve call your bunny's vet