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my rabbits are fightinlg

22 11:15:03

Hello I have two rabbits. One is a female and one is a male. They have mated by accident. But she isn't pregnant because it has been more than a regular gestation period. Plus if tshe was she has not made her nest yet. So we guess she is not pregnant. They still can't be together because she and him always start to fight. They bite each other and pull out each others fur. It is hard to separate each other and we have yet to find a vet for rabbits. What should we do?

She could be pregnant anytime from the first day they were old enough to breed until 35 days after she was last with a male. So if it has not been more than 35 days since she was last in with your other rabbit, she could definitely still be pregnant.

Many rabbits just fight. Females will often fight when they do not want a male's attention. My suggestion would be to get them spayed and neutered. This will help to calm them down. It can also greatly increase their chance of living to a good old age because it eliminates the risk of cancers of the reproductive organs.

Where do you live? I can try to locate a rabbit vet in your area for you.