Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is my bunny overweight?

is my bunny overweight?

22 11:19:04

How can I tell if my rabbit is overweight?  His body doesn't seem too big for his head and he is pear, not apple, shaped but he has a "double chin" that looks almost like a lion's mane.  I've tried to check it out to see if it's mostly fur or a fat roll but when I get close he wants to see what I'm doing and moves his head.  Is this at all normal or do I have a fat bunny that needs to go on a diet?

That "double chin" is called a dewlap Are you sure your rabbit is a male? Dewlaps are very common in females, though sometimes males have them. Dewlaps are not necessarily a sign of being too fat, and a lack of dewlaps are also not necessarily a sign of being too thin. Females mostly have them because they are a store of extra fat that the female uses during pregnancy and while nursing a litter. In some breeds, especially large breeds, males can get them fairly easily, but in most breeds they are only found in females.

A good way to tell if your rabbit is the proper weight is to feel the spine. Run your hand over the spine, and don't press in on it. If you feel it easily, your rabbit is too thin. Then press in on it a little, and you should feel it this time. If you do not feel it, your rabbit is likely overweight.