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Lionhead fur

22 9:52:20

Quick question. I cannot get my lionhead rabbit to sit still long enough to brush him. Ill get a few spots done and off he goes! What can I do? I dont want to let him sit and eat cherrios while I brush because I feel like hes eating too many!! Also, can I trim the mane below his chin? It seems like its too long . When he cleans himself, he cant pull his head back far enough to get all the hair out of his mouth, so it clumps at the end. Please help!! :)

Hi Shannon,

You really have to work with them and hold them firmly when you brush them.  Try cradling him in your arms when you are grooming him.  It is difficult to groom any rabbit but the more you handle him the easier it will be.  

I agree that cheerios is not a great idea.  As for cutting the hair you can but the main usually will not grow back.  Since he is your pet you have to do what is best for him.  If you feel it is to long or to difficult to keep groomed then go ahead and cut it.  Just be careful not to get to close to his skin.

Good luck
