Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rocky


22 9:46:37

I have a very poorly bunny called Rocky i noticed yesterday morning that he has lost use of his front paws and has lost his balanced.  I took him to our local vet who gave us a diagnosis of  E cuniculi.  She prescribed a drug called panacur but wasnt hopeful of recovery.  It is now nearly 24hrs Rocky ha eaten about 30 food pellets and drank 2 ramekins of water.  His bowel movements are very sticky but solid.  Whilst at the Vets i was quite distressed and didnt absorb all the information given to me.  maybe you can help?
How long will the Panacur take to fight the virus?
Will Rocky get the use of his legs back if he manages to beat the virus?  Is he in pain would it be better if we put him to sleep?
is it best to treat my 2nd rabbit for e cuniculi too? sorry so many questions.

i hope you can help me

A very worried owner"


Panacur works well, I have used it on e cuniculi rabbits.  Works good.  Often function can come back, it just depends how much damage the parasite did.  Don't give up on him if he's not giving up.  Make sure he eats and drinks well.  Make sure his backside and rear legs are clean if he can't move his legs well right now.