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replacement nest material for baby rabbits

22 11:19:51

I have babies about 1 week old. Just discovered that underneath the layer of straw and fur that is in the box are maggots. I need to clean everything out and put all new nest material in the box but do not know what to use that will keep the babies clean and dry except more straw. Then I am afraid they will not be warn enough. I is pretty warm during the day but still sometimes chilly at night as I live in Michigan. Any advice you can give me will be appreciated.  

Dear Sally,

I would recommend that you put a layer of wood pellets such as Feline Pine under the bedding, then a layer of clean straw, then very *soft* second cut hay, and *then* the fur from mama's nest that she build.  If the fur was also soiled beyond saving, try to harvest some from mama by gently grooming her with a short, fine-toothed flea comb, or even carefully clipping some from the areas of her body where the fur is thick and she won't miss it.  (Be *very* careful not to lift her skin when you trim, as it is extremely easy to cut her skin!  Err on the side of caution when snipping!)

Wood pellets will absorb urine and fecal moisture, and help prevent the buildup of waste that attracted the flies (and could endanger the babies!).  But the pellets are not soft, so they must be covered with stray/hay to offer complete and warm bedding.

Please see:


for more information.

Hope this helps.
