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moving babies

22 11:07:47

Thanks again! Everyone is fine,about 5 days old now, 6 of them, but I know so little I got the House rabbit book, and Rabbits for dummies, but it says little about what to do for the litter. Also my friend asked what if it mated with a wild rabbit.......will the babies be able to be pets?
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Thanks so much. We already put them in a little box (very large shoe box with front lip cut down) Can we change the room or will this cause her too much stress? We want to move her to a unused bathroom. I cant imagine not doing laundry for 8 weeks!
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We recently rescued a domestic bunny that was "set free". She had a litter of babies behind our laundry room door. I would like to move them to a safer place. Even out of that room to like an unused bathroom. Is this possible?
Yes, most definatly move them. She needs to have a pen to stay in with them until they are weaned. THey really need to be in a nesting box, or something like one that is heavy and sturdy enough to keep her from tipping it over. The babies being on a hard floor with nothing to keep them from getting out of the nest and crawling around could mean death. Moving them as soon as possible is a must.
moving her will be fine. Better safe and a little stressed, then unsafe and not stressed. She should be ok, since it is still the same smells and stuff of  your house she will have around her, plus it will be a little more private.

Those references are mainly based on the care of pet rabbits and not for breeding. This website ( is a good reference for pets, breeding, and has information about dwarfs- not sure that this will help, but could be interesting. It has a whole section for breeding information. Domestic rabbits mating with wild rabbits and having babies is a myth. Wild rabbits have fewer chromosomes than domestic ones, thus making breeding impossible. Likely she was bred or got bred before being turned loose. The babies will be able to be pets.