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my new rescue rabbit!

22 10:12:40

Hi, my new rescue rabbit has to wear a lampshade like collar for a while and is struggling to get to her food with it on. Do you have any suggestions for how I can help her other than hand feeding?
Also noone at the rescue centre knows what breed she is. She has very small upright ears. A head like a lop rabbit and the body of a slightly tubby hare! Her fur is black flecked with grey with bright orange and white underneath that. She's fully grown and about the size of a size 6 shoe when curled up. Any ideas about what she is?
Thanks for you time.

Hello Rach!
Well all I would do is take off the collar & let her eat then put it back on you may be able to feed it with a eye dropper some yogart but your rabbit needs more than just yogurt. she  may eat by hand if you hold the pellets while she gets it from your fingers. Good luck!
It sounds like she is a Netherland dwarf with the round head and small ears and the color of fur.
go to and click on the breeds link and scroll down to see a pic of a  Netherland dwarf they come in many different colors
See ya