Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how can i tell ?

how can i tell ?

22 11:20:41

hello. how would i be able to tell if my rabbit is pregnant her tummy is hard. or is that just tention? i mated  her on may 23rd so would she be due aguest 23rd?
if any one would be able to help me it would be thank-ful  

Dear Trinity,

Rabbit gestation lasts from 28-31 days, so she should be due a month from when she mated.  

It is not normal for her abdomen to be *hard* and distended this soon.  Please observe her for any sign of inappetence or distress, and if she is not eating or acting normal, get her to a good rabbit vet IMMEDIATELY:

If she is suffering a bloat, she may not survive without immediate veterinary care.  If her abdomen is very hard and unyielding, and she is having trouble breathing, you should consider it an extreme, life-threatening emergency.

If, however, she is acting normal but she tenses her abdominal muscles when you pet or hold her, that's normal.  

Please read:


Hope that helps.
