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Rabbit screamed during vet visit

22 9:57:32

Hi, I went to the vet today to get my rabbit's nails trimmed and he is usually really good at the vet since it's a new environment, but like all rabbits he doesn't like the car ride and was  shaking a little in the kennel before we arrived. When we got there, I just kept gently petting him to calm his nerves but when the vet came to get him, he jumped off the counter and kept screaming trying to run away! The vet made sure he didn't injure himself from the jump and we monitored him when we got home and he calmed down, but I'm scared he mght die of stress or trauma?

Dear Shirley,

Good grief!  It makes me wonder what might have happened to him before at that vet's office to be so traumatized by the appearance of the vet!

It could be that the vet entered suddenly and startled your bunny, but this is really an extreme reaction.

I'd suggest that next time he needs to go, you ask for a small dose of Valium (diazepam) to give him about an hour beforehand, which will alleviate his anxiety and prevent any tragic accidents.  We use this often for our wild rabbits who need to have medical procedures done, and it works like a charm with no adverse side effects we've ever seen.

For now, if your bunny has calmed down and seems to be acting normal, he's probably recovered.  But keep an eye out for any signs of post-traumatic stress, such as inappetence, lethargy, etc.

Hope all goes well.
