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bunny problem

22 9:47:59

Our 2 year old bunny,Midnight,has stopped using the litter tray he has when out of his cage. He used to use it but will now sit in it,jump out,and poo on the carpet! He urinates in the tray and still uses the tray in his cage,so we can't understand why he's doing this. The other thing we were curious about is that he likes to suck on either mine or my partners clothes! He only does it to clothes we are wearing and doesn't do it to anybody else. Is it a sign of affection or do we just have a strange rabbit! Thanks.


sometimes it's a marking issue when they drop pellets outside the cage.  If you can think of anything that's changed in the house recently either around his outside litterpan or if things have moved, or something, that could be the trigger.

Licking/sucking on clothes is affection/grooming.  It also generally feels good in their mouths, especially if it's a softer cotton item.  But they are drawn toward creases, seams, bunched up fabric around joints, and want to help groom what they think might be a trouble spot or matted fur area on you.

Great sign as they only groom their friends.