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endless shedding

22 10:16:48

 I have a pair of 1 1/2 year old Mini Rex bucks, they have been shedding heavy for 8 months now. I have played with there diet, but no change.I have payed close attention to them and there are no other symptoms. They eat well, have lots of energy,and seem in good spirits. Any ideas?

Dear Chris,

Sometimes a bunny will shed but not adequately groom off the loose hair.  This can mean apparent shedding year 'round.  I'd recommend you give them both a really good, thorough grooming, gently pulling off all the loose wool and combing well.  To finish off, moisten your hands and rub them up and down.  The loose fur will stick to your hands, you can roll it off by rubbing your palms together, and do this repeatedly until your hands come away pretty clean.

If the bunnies are *still* shedding excessively after you do a really good, gentle fur removal, then they may be among the unfortunate domestic bunnies whose natural shed cycle is disrupted by inbreeding, artificial lighting, or a combination of both.  Some rabbits shed all the time because they have genetically lost the ability to react to seasonal signals that trigger the start and stop of shedding.  The effect can possibly be reduced by keeping the bunnies on a very regular light/dark cycle that mimics the seasons.  But there are no guarantees.

Let's hope a good grooming will solve the problem!

Good luck,
