Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > HEEELPP!!!!


22 10:54:34

here is part of a response that you said to a previous question I had:
Question: another expert said that rabbits CANT have iceberg lettuce. Is that true? and if it is...WHY? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

what lettuce can they have?

part of your response:  I suppose if one little piece (iceberg lettuce) got put in with the other veggies it probably wouldn't kill them but its not recommended
okay so you said it wouldn't kill them...does that mean if you accidently gave your rabbit a lot of iceberg lettuce it WILL kill them?

thanks Morgan

How could you accidently give your rabbit a lot of iceberg lettuce?  Either you are giving it to them or you aren't.  The lettuce itself is not going to kill them.  What will kill them is the upset of the normal flora in their stomach from filling up on foods that have no nutritional value and then not eating the stuff they really need.  So will iceberg lettuce kill them???? No.. but the diarrhea and other effects from eating it will!!!

If you gave your rabbit iceberg lettuce and it doesn't have diarrhea and is acting fine then I am sure it will be ok.  If you 'accidently' gave your rabbit iceberg lettuce and it has diarrhea or is not eating and its stomach is hard and bloated then take it to a vet so that it won't end up with ileus.