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immediately reply!!! rabbits sake!!!!

22 10:49:54

Well firstly my rabbits female and male lived in a cage my dad had made. Now the hutch door stays open so they can go in and out. females pregnant. when she is ready to have the babies will she have them wherevr she wants to? or will she go into the cage?

Hi Sarah

For the rabbits sake you need to separate the male and female.  When she gives birth to those babies she will be able to get pregnant again immediately.  When this happens it is not a good thing.  The doe will have to raise 2 litters at the same time since they deliver in less than 30 days and they can't be weaned for 60 days.  Please go and separate them as soon as you can.

Your doe will need a nice enclosed cage where she can't get out.  This will prevent her from having her babies in a garden or a hole somewhere that you won't find them.  Give her a nice nesting box made out of un-treated wood.  Line it with newspaper and then some aspen chips.  On top of the chips squish in as much hay as you can get in there.  Keep an eye on the box every day.  She will eat the hay as the days go by and you will need to add more up until the babies are born.  

Here are a few articles that should help you.

Good luck and I hope your rabbit does ok with the babies.
