Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > baby black mini rex

baby black mini rex

22 10:28:01

I just got a new black mini rex. She is about seven weeks old and i got her last night. Most of her poop is normal, but some of it is like kind of shiny/wet but I can still see little balls. They aren't dry like regular ones. They are kind of together. I am kind of worried, cause she is my best show rabbit I have had for awhile.

hello erin

it may have something to do with her diet. either you have changed her diet from what she had before (which can upset a bunnies tummy. or giving her food that she is to young to eat yet ie veg, she should start to have veg at about 4-5 months old. rabbits also should not eat lettuce, it is very bad from them.

make sure you give her plenty of hay, exercise and water and it should clear up in a couple of days.

hope this helps
