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Fur loss calf area back of legs

22 11:11:26

Have had Thumper for 7 years, very healthy rabbit, she is a dwarf lopped eared, goes to the vet twice a year.  In August she had a check-up and mixomotosis jab and then stayed at a rabbit sanctuary for two weeks.  I noticed a week after i picked her up she had started to lose fur at the back of her hind legs (would be the bottom calf area).  Now nearing the end of October she had no obvious sign of mites, it hasn't spread, but hair hasn't grown back.  She is still healthy and has plenty of free time to rome the garden.  She is a female, unspaded and does nest yearly, but has never pulled fur from her back legs, only her back.  Is this something she could have caught from her spell away from home?.

Dear Kim,

Please read:

for information on the various causes (and treatments) of abnormal fur loss in rabbits.  It could be fur mites, which sometimes leave no sign but hair loss.  If the skin is irritated, I'd consider urine burn a possibility because of the location of the fur loss:

Although she's 7, and possibly not the best candidate for a spay, you might want to ask your vet whether hormone problems could be responsible for this fur loss.  

I hope this helps.
