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poorly rabbit!

22 11:27:10

my rabbit has been suffering for a week now with a head tilt. he i8s seven years old and a long eared lop. he has been to the vets 3 times in the last week and is making no improvement. he is unable to lift his head and we are feeding him through a syringe. he is taking anti biotics and has eye drops and 2 types of pills. any suggestions?

Unfortuneatly, head tilt is more often than not uncurable and most of the time fatal.  I have been able to treat it with antibiotic ear drops (they were Bouch & Lombe and were prescribed to me for my own ear infection) and a strong injectible antibiotic called Baytril.  The problem with head tilt is that nobody is certain where the infection actually is which makes it hard to get antibiotics to the right place.

Here is a link to an article that might help you understand a little better...

Hope the best for you and your bunny --- Brenda