Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > we have a seven year old long...

we have a seven year old long...

22 11:27:10

we have a seven year old long eared lop who currently has a head tilt. he has been to the vets 3 times in the last week and is taking 5 types of medication. he is making no signs of improvement. any suggestions?

There is a whole section on head tilt at

The thing about head tilt is that it does take a long time to recover from, sometimes months.  And some rabbits never lose the tilt, but still can live happy lives.  I know an 11 year old rabbit that has a head tilt for several years, and he's perfectly happy.  

Check out the suggestions for things to do, and remember that while it looks bad, it's not necessarily painful for the bunny, just disorienting.
