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back/hip injury?

22 11:14:20

Mr. Meyer:

I have a 6 mo., intact male French Lop who escaped from his exercise pen about three days ago. I found him sedintary in the stall outside of his pen 24 hours later. I could tell something was definatly wrong with his gate and hind control. He seemed like he wanted to hop but the hing quarters would lean off to one side or the other. He has some control and can use the hind quarters. He struggles to get up on his hind legs. I have brought him into the house for observation. At first, he seemed to be getting better but a family member startled him and now he seems worse. All of his biological functions seem normal as well as his consumption of food and water. He is much less active and lays off to one side or the other. My fear is that he may be in pain. I have examined him several times trying to assess where the damage may be. He does not seem to tense up upon exerting pressure along his spine. Before this occured our bunny was a healthy boy who did not seem to be having any problems. I will be taking him into the vet tomorrow but I just want to know what you think. Can he heal from a certian degree of injury? If so, how would you suggest I rehab him? Thank you for your time.


Bunny Bun's Mom

Hi Eileen,

it's great he's eating and drinking and intake/output is okay.  It's also go

He may have kicked too hard doing a 'happy hop' or perhaps maybe when he jumped up smacked his back into something with a low clearance.  I can't really tell you what it is, and it is excellent you are taking him to the vet tomorrow, as this is the only way to get it diagnosed properly.  I hope your vet is a good rabbit vet.  Many vets know cats and dogs well but not rabbits.  If in the future you need a better rabbit vet, go to:\vets

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended rabbit vet.

I would also ask the vet about giving him some metacam (both a pain med well tolerated by rabbits, that also cuts down inflammation, so it could be good for him two ways).

As long as you can keep him eating and drinking, managing pain, if any, and attempting to move and work the muscles, you shouldn't have a problem rehab'ing him yourself.  These guys can heal well from these injuries, but until you know exactly what is wrong, there is no way to give specific rehab information other than what I've mentioned above.

Write back anytime.
