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weak baby rabbit

22 11:10:57

hi, i actually emailed you last week for some advice. my mother rabbit was not feeding her babies so i have had to flip her on her back and let them feed off of her. this hasn't really been a problem, although yesterday, one of the babies was accidently kicked onto the floor and hasn't been the same since. before this happened, he was the most energetic baby out of the litter of 4, and would always happily eat off mum. now he appears very weak, although he does still move around, and won't eat. is there anything i can do to help him? thanks

It is likely that the baby has been injured enternally, and probably won't survive. with the remaining babies cover them with your hand and hold them over the moms abdomen. I would rather have you kicked/scratched than the little ones. Still try to nurse him, he may be able to pull through.