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Pregnant Bunny...

22 10:36:15

Hi Dana, I'm having a bit of trouble with one of my Does. She is a 1yo Mini Lop who is, apparently, a proven breeder. However, I bred her in November 07, she palpated positive on the 12th day but she never kindled. Puzzled, I allowed her time before I re-bred her. She palpated positive again and she is now on day 31 of her pregnancy. She isn't showing any signs of nearing kindling...I'm getting worried!!
I'm an experienced breeder and have never had this strange problem with a Doe before! Could it be that something happens to the unborn litter after day 12?
It is very heartbreaking as she is a lovely doe...I really hope she kindles in the next few days! What do you think, Dana?
Thanks, Rihanna x

Dear Rihanna,

Since it would be extremely unusual for a doe to resorb a litter at that late stage, I can think of only two possibilities:

1.  She is overgrooming/cannibalizing her litters before you have a chance to find them or

2.  She has mummified babies in her uterus that are causing a "positive palpation"--but in reality the babies are not viable, and are preventing further pregnancies.

In the latter case, the best thing to do would be to have her spayed, since removing any dead babies from the uterus would certainly compromise the safety of future births.  But only a good rabbit vet will really be able to tell you what's going on with radiographs and further diagnostics:

I'm not really the best person to ask about breeding, since I'm opposed to it:

But I hope this helps you figure out what is happening with your girl, and get her some good veterinary help to make sure she can live a long, healthy life even if she cannot have babies again.

I hope this helps.
