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growth on my dwarf flop earred bunny

22 11:06:02

I have a drawf floppy earred bunny that has a growth on her chin ( right under her bottom jaw, it is not growing any hair on the growth, she is eating normally her stool looks normal, my question is should we take her to our veturnairy office and have them look at it or just leave it alone and let her live a happy life?   My mom is really upset and don't know what to do, I just now noticed this growth today and it is about the size of a golf ball and it moves freely with the skin, I don't really have the funds to take her to the vet right now so what is the best thing that we can do for our beloved friend?

Thank you for the help  that you can give us

Dear Amanda,

If you love your bunny, you'll do the right thing and get her to a good rabbit vet immediately for evaluation and treatment of what is probably a huge abscess.  It may or may not involve her molars.  Only a good rabbit vet will be able to tell for sure:

Please do not let this go untreated.  She may be acting normal, but a lesion this size is undoubtedly painful.  Rabbits just don't let on when they're feeling pain or sick.  Please read:

I think these will help you understand what's going on.  But you won't be able to cure her yourself.  Get her to a good *rabbit vet* for appropriate treatment.
