Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > can i mix a female baby and a old male together?

can i mix a female baby and a old male together?

22 10:28:08

can i mix a 7 month old male with a 6 week old female? and how old do rabbits have to be befor they can have baby's? and will she eat her baby's if i go near them. do i leave the female rabbit in the bucks cage for 1 week then take her out? i think i did somthing wrong. i had a female and a male rabbit and left her in for a long time. i had found her beaten up, and suddenly i went in her cage and she was dead. and they lived together in the same cage!! so when i thought she was haveing babies i wasted hours,days planning a hudge beautiful area so she good have babies
(nothing happend)
                thank you lots.
   (i really want her to have babies,because i want to look after something)

hello hailey

No, 6 weeks is far too young for a female bunny to have a litter, at 6 weeks she should still be with her mother and shouldnt leave her until about 8 weeks old. The best age for a bunny to have her first litter is 6-7 months old. when putting a male and female rabbit together it is best to have them the same age and size. Yes your rabbit will either hurt of kill the babies if you go near them however if you really must check on the babies about 1-2 days old i would advice you rub your hands in the female rabbits bedding (not the nest) so that you will smell of the mother rabbit and not of you. Dont put the female in the bucks cage they could get really aggressive with eachother, instead put them both in a new environment such as a run so you can watch them, dont leave them un attended.

please dont rush into this, you need to be prepared, not everything always goes to plan, my rabbits have had many still births and runts of the litter that just dont survive. If this happens alot of patients and time is put into it. Always you have to decided what you will do with the litter. many rabbits end up in shelters.

hope this helps

let me know if i can help you with anything else
