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a rabbits diet

22 10:28:07

i am getting my first rabbit in one week and would like to know the best diet that i can give my bunny. I am getting a female rabbit and want to train her to be a house rabbit, is it possible?

thank you

hello saz

The diet of a rabbit consists of pellet food, veg and alot of hay. Buy a healthy pellet food brand (make sure it is not to fattening)feed her a small amount daily. The veg that is best for rabbits are, carrots, cuecumber,celery,apples(only as a treat).DO NOT feed your rabbit lettuce, it will make your rabbit really sick and can even be fatal. rabbits also love dandeline leaves and grass. The most important part of the diet is hay.Rabbits must have plenty of hay daily.

yes, rabbits can be trained and make great house rabbits. I have a house rabbit and he is very well trained. If you would like some help on house training your rabbit just ask.

hope this helps
