Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunnys bathroom habits/food

bunnys bathroom habits/food

22 11:21:25

I was just wondering if there is any way i can keep my bunny from peeing or pooping wherever she feels like it. I always leave her loose in my room with the door to her cage open but she still goes to the bathroom anywhere. Also she is about 10-12 weeks old now and when i got her 2 weeks ago i was told to feed her a pinch of timothy hay each day, should i be giving her more?

Dear Nicole,

At the tender age of 10-12 weeks, your bunny is still a baby, and can't really be expected to have tidy litterbox habits without a bit of training.  Please go here for some tips:

She's too young to be spayed, but when she's 6-8 months old this should be done for her health, and to keep her litterbox habits good.  

All bunnies should receive *unlimited* timothy (or other grass) hay--not just a pinch.  Hay is the most important item in  the diet.  You can see what a good, balanced bunny diet should include here:

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
