Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > splay-leg in young rabbits

splay-leg in young rabbits

22 10:25:38

QUESTION: I read and followed your description on how to brace the legs of a young rabbit that had splay-leg.  How long should you leave the brace on?

ANSWER: Dear Kim,

When we braced the bunch of babies like this, it took about a month before we felt confident that the legs were in the right position.  I'd leave the braces on for a week at a time, then remove them to see how the babies are doing.  If you see the slightest sign of weakness or splaying, then the braces should be replaced.  Better a little bit of discomfort now than a lifetime of not being able to walk properly.  :)

I hope it works for you!  Hang in there!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks!  This information has been very helpful.  Howver, I read elsewhere that the bones of bunnies over 5-6 weeks old are pretty much set.  My bunny is 6 weeks old.  Will the bracing help him even though he is already 6 weeks old?


ANSWER: Dear Kim,

A six week old bunny still has plenty of growing to do.  I still think that bracing him will help, since he will be growing for at least a full year.  It might take slightly longer to get the legs straight than if you had started sooner, but I don't believe at all that the bones are "pretty much set" at the tender age of six weeks.

I'm betting if you keep up the bracing and physical therapy, he will improve and lose the splayleg.  Patience and persistence are the keys.

I hope it works for you, and I truly believe it will.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We didn't notice his hind legs splaying until 3 days ago.  What physical therapy would help? We do pull all 7 babies out of the pen most every day and allow them to hop around either in the kitchen or in a pen area outside when it turns cooler late in the evening.  He hops all around and even hops in our laps just like all the others.  Is this enough?  I never realized baby bunnies were so much work and I SO appreciate your quick responses!!!!!!


Dear Kim,

So is it only his hind legs that are splayed, or also the front?  If it's both...that's a challenge!  But it can be done, and as you've noticed, young bunnies adjust very well to the braces.

By physical therapy, I did mean exercise.  So you're doing the right thing already, and only time will heal this now.

It's only a little bit odd that his splay shows up at this age, and is further evidence that he is obviously still developing his skeleton.  And is having a few developmental problems with it.  Keep up the bracing for a few weeks, and I'm sure they will help his legs grow in a normal condition until his muscles are strong enough to support his weak connective tissue.

As it says in the article, be sure the babies are *always* on a surface with very good traction, as slippery surfaces can make the problem worse.

Hope he'll be all normal soon!  :)
