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baby wild rabbits/maggots

22 10:27:11

I found a nest of baby rabbits, and it looks like the cat may have found them first, as they had some cuts on them, which now are filled with baby maggots. Maggots ususal eat the dead skin and actually can help, but I've heard maggots can be very bad for rabbits.  I don't know if this would cause the mother to abandon them, as they do not yet have their eyes open.  Just wondering if you have any ideas on this matter, and what would be the best solution. Thanks

Dear Leslie,

The maggots will kill the babies if they are not removed immediately.  I have found it useful to douse the maggots with undiluted povidone iodine, which also disinfects the wounds as it drives out the maggots. Keep a bowl of dilute detergent at hand, and pick the maggots off with sharp tweezers until they are *all* gone.  Even one or two can do extensive damage.

The babies will then need supportive veterinary care, such as subcutaneous fluids and possibly antibiotics, especially if they were injured by a cat.  Prompt administration of Baytril or cipro after a cat bite or scratch can mean the difference between life and death for these little ones.

Try to get the maggots off immediately. Once that is done, find a licensed wildlife rehabilitator to take over, since they will have access to legal veterinary care for these animals.  You can find a rehabber here:

Failing that, you may be able to find a vet who will help you here:

But the maggots must be removed *now* if it is not already too late.  I hope you can save them.  If you can't find a rehabber and the babies survive the maggots, then this will help you raise them:

Good luck,