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A rabbit bredding question

22 10:58:09

QUESTION: my breeding pair don't seem interested in eachother at all. I've tried getting them together in nentural ground and they just ignore eachother. I've tried putting her in his cage and they just sit there. The most they'll do is sniff eachother. Is there anything I can do to enchance the "mood" so to speak?

first off - are you sure they are of opposit sex ? Check their genitilia - are they very different ?

second - how old are they ?  The female should be at least 150 days old and the male 180 days.  If you have no idea how old they are how much do they weight ? What breed are they ?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I know they are oppisit sex, and they're both about 6 months old. They're both neterland dwarfs. The reason I find this strange is that the female attempted breeding before with another buck but it was unsucessful. The male had also been with a different female before i got him and he was sucessful. So I thought i'd try a different male this time around However they just sniff eachother and that's it. They seem to get along fine though. Could it be she's just not giving off the right scent to attract him?

Sometimes a female is not "right" and does not smell right to a male. The same thing can happen with a male.  She might be permanently infertile.  

I would give it another try in a few days time.  Or if neihter of them is aggressive you can try leaving them together for a month and see what happens.  ( BUT only if neither is aggressive ).